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Winterbourne Parish Nature Action Plan

South Gloucestershire Council has acknowledged a Climate Crisis and recognises the importance of taking steps to address the work that is required to manage the situation the world is facing Winterbourne Parish Council (WPC) has long been committed to preserving and enhancing the environment of the Parish. At their Council Meeting of 5th October 2020, Winterbourne Parish Council agreed to produce an Environmental Statement to ensure it remains focused and committed to achievable goals. Winterbourne Parish Council has recognised the importance of taking steps to address the Climate Emergency declared by South Gloucestershire Council and is seeking to integrate this work with other initiatives to improve the local environment for wildlife and for Parishioners. and are therefore committed to implementing a Local Nature Action Plan (LNAP). This Plan has been drawn up to identify the work needed to achieve this.

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Winterbourne Parish Council

The Greenfield Centre
Park Avenue
BS36 1NJ

T. 01454 776922
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