Libraries to reopen and welcome customers to drop-in and browse South Gloucestershire Council Libraries are set to reopen to visiting customers and are looking forward to welcoming people back from Monday 7 September. Since July, our libraries have been providing click and collect and bookable IT services in addition to delivering books to vulnerab...
Avon and Somerset Police has advised it has initiated a PCSO recruitment sheme. Please click on the link for details.
File Name: Planning-Minutes-17-August-2020 File Size: 54 kb Download File
File Name: Planning-Minutes-3-August-2020 File Size: 51 kb Download File
File Name: Planning-Minutes-20-July-2020 File Size: 54 kb Download File
Parish Council Meetings are curently being held remotely by Zoom. If anyone would like to attend the meeting please contact the office for login details.
Leisure centres reopening Bradley Stoke Library which is situated within Bradley Stoke leisure centre will also reopen on 27th July. We've been busy preparing for our reopening on Monday 27th July! We are S0 EXCITED to be reopening our doors again; we can't wait to see everyone. As you can appreciate things will be very different, so we thought we'...
File Name: Notice-of-Public-Rights-1 File Size: 1.8 mb Download File
The Parish Council are pleased to say the park at the Greenfield Centre will be reopening on 7 July. Please note the signs on entering which have now been received from South Glos. These give guidance as to how the area can be used as safely as possible. Opening hours will be 9am to 7pm.
File Name: Planning-Minutes-6-July-2020 File Size: 50 kb Download File
The Parish Council are working towards the reopening of the playground at the Greenfield Centre but it will not be opening on the 4 July. We need to ensure all necessary measures have been put in place to ensure it is safe . We will update you in due course when this will be.
South Gloucestershire Libraries set to introduce bookable services as restrictions ease From the 6 July onwards, our libraries will be introducing bookable services so customers can access them in a safe and controlled way following the easing of COVID-19 lockdown restrictions. Customers will be asked to pre-book an appointment in advance to visit ...
File Name: Planning-Minutes-15-June-2020 File Size: 52 kb Download File
File Name: Planning-Minutes-1-June-2020 File Size: 45 kb Download File
Unfortunately, one of the results of the public observing the "Stay Home, Save Lives" restrictions was the increase in speeding on roads across the region. The level of traffic is increasing as more and more people go back to work, so please read the attached document to see how the police are working to make the roads safer. File Name: slow-down-s...
South Gloucestershire Council's libraries extend online services Residents of South Gloucestershire can now access thousands of local and national newspapers free-of-charge through our new online library resources. We can now offer the majority of national and local papers in addition to a range of international titles from across the world. During...
File Name: Planning-Minutes-18-May-2020 File Size: 45 kb Download File
Update regarding fishing at the Duck pond in Winterbourne Following the update from the government this week fishing is now allowed at the pond again. The usual rules apply that you need to have an Environment Agency rod licence and be a member of the Frome Vale Angling Club.
Yate, Thornbury and Mangotsfield Sort-It Centres will open on – Saturday, May 16 – with extended opening hours of 6am to 6pm. Please note that it facilities are likely to be very busy when the service starts back up and, therefore, residents are asked to only to make the journey if essential and advised to check the Council's website (https://beta....
File Name: Planning-Minutes-4-May-2020 File Size: 82 kb Download File