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Future bright

In these uncertain times where the Covid-19 virus is causing so much anxiety and disruption to people's lives, especially in relation to jobs and training, the Future Bright team would like to reassure residents that the project will continue to run and offer support throughout this crisis.

Future Bright career progression coaches are able to support people who are currently in paid work but on top-up benefits, to progress their career and help remove barriers to progression. This support can be provided remotely by telephone contact, Skype, email and text messaging.

Future Bright is open to local residents who are:-

  • Aged 19 or over and living in the West of England - Bristol, South Gloucestershire or Bath and North East Somerset

  • Currently in paid work (part-time, full-time, temp, self-employed or zero hours)

  • Receiving any of the following in-work benefits or tax credits –Universal Credit, Working Tax Credit, Child Tax Credit, Job Seeker's Allowance, Income Support, Employment Support Allowance, Housing Benefit, or Means-Tested Council tax Reduction

What can Future Bright offer?

A dedicated Career Progression Coach who can:

  • Help you form an Action Plan and support you through each step and
  • Signpost and advise you on training and career pathways

Plus we can offer some financial support towards training or other work related costs.

All conversations are confidential, can be accessed remotely and focus on what you want to achieve – your coach will help you take your next step. Participation is always FREE, and fits around your current commitments.

Contact us today for an informal chat on 01454 866008 or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Alternatively complete the online referral form at

Minutes of F&GP Meeting 20.04.2020
COVID-19 Update

Winterbourne Parish Council

The Greenfield Centre
Park Avenue
BS36 1NJ

T. 01454 776922
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